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RCHAL Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

We believe that it is the parents’ responsibility to shape the Godly character and guide the Christian education of their child. In accordance with that belief, all parents and students are expected to represent our Lord, and RCHAL, with the highest standards of integrity and Christian character.

Membership in RCHAL is a privilege, not a right. Any group member not adhering to the set guidelines in the Code of Conduct may be asked to meet with the RCHAL board members. The board will determine the best course of action regarding the incidents that have occurred. This could result in the removal of the RCHAL membership and all the privileges that go with it.


When at an activity, the parent is the ultimate parental authority. However, the field trip coordinator or those involved in leading the event is also to be obeyed. The guidelines set up at each activity must be followed. There are various activities during the year that may require children to be separated by age, ability, experience, etc. These restrictions must be honored for the benefit of everyone involved. If in doubt – talk to the coordinator.


Be there or get left behind!


Parents must be aware of their children’s conduct at all times. If you are unable to be physically present yourself at a function, it is your responsibility to delegate the care of your child(ren) to another responsible adult. Parents are responsible for themselves and monitoring their own children.


Children have the opportunity to participate in various activities. Be considerate of others by obeying the rules of the activity. During activities please be silent and still when someone is giving instructions/presentation. No rowdy, rude or aggressive behavior (pushing, hitting, taunting, etc.) is acceptable. Parents are responsible for themselves and monitoring their own children. In all of our dealings please be courteous, considerate, cooperative and respectful.


The board directly delegates authority to member volunteers to represent and speak for RCHAL in scheduling an activity which they are coordinating. The relationship we have with churches and organizations has been developed over many years and are all very delicate and extremely important. There are specifics that are unique in each relationship and, therefore, no member, other than the designated party, has the authority to initiate any contact with outside sources and speak on RCHAL’s behalf.


Knowing that each person is an image-bearer of the Lord; we would like to stress modesty in dress and appearance. We all are instrumental in helping each other to look our best and in being considerate in how our appearance affects others and honors Christ. What is not offensive to you, may be offensive to someone else. We encourage everyone to avoid bare midriffs, low-cut necklines, spaghetti straps or strapless shirts, short shorts or short skirts, and please keep underwear covered with outerwear. Athletic shorts shorter than fingertip length need to have biking shorts underneath, especially for PE purposes. In addition, leggings or tight fitting workout clothing needs to be paired with a top long enough to cover your bottom or cover the leggings with shorts.


We ask that our young men and ladies treat each other with respect and refrain from flirtatious behaviors. Although each family has the right and responsibility to address dating according to their own convictions, in order to promote that each person be treated as a temple of the Holy Spirit, we do not promote or allow any public display of affection at any RCHAL related functions.

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs.” Eph. 4:29


RCHAL is deeply committed to fostering an environment where every child has an understanding that he or she is created in God’s image and likeness and deserving of dignity and respect. In addition to recognizing that others are also created in God’s image and likeness and are deserving of dignity and respect. This RCHAL policy was adapted from the Archdiocese of New Orleans’ policy in addition to local archdiocesan schools.

Bullying is defined as any repeated verbal, physical, or psychological action or implied action intended to cause harm, fear, or distress to another person or group of persons. An imbalance of power between the aggressor and the target is also involved. Bullying is a means of control and may be carried out through physical, verbal, or electronic means, or indirectly through social and emotional aggression.

Harassment is defined as a course of conduct which annoys, threatens, intimidates, alarms, or puts a person in fear of their safety. Harassment is unwanted, unwelcomed, and uninvited behavior that demeans, threatens, or offends the victim and results in a hostile environment for the victim. Harassing behavior may include, but is not limited to, epithets, derogatory comments or slurs and lewd propositions, assault, impeding or blocking movement, offensive touching or any physical interference with normal work or movement, and visual insults.

Intimidation is defined as a means to make fearful or to put into fear. Intimidation may be inferred from conduct, words, or circumstances reasonably calculated to produce fear.

RCHAL wants to create an environment where all children feel safe and included. To do this, we must act like a village. We are requiring all parents/volunteers who suspect, observe, or become aware of an act of bullying/harassment/intimidation to intervene and then immediately notify a RCHAL board member. We want to encourage virtuous behavior and want to help facilitate when a harm is caused. Amends should be made under the supervision of parents of the involved individuals.

“Let us love, since that is what our hearts were made for.” Saint Therese of Lisieux.